Investigative Genetic Genealogy (IGG) is revolutionizing the way law enforcement agencies investigate and solve cases.

At Break Investigative Group, we work with law enforcement agencies to identify criminal suspects and unidentified remains through IGG. We use technology and techniques to analyze DNA comparisons from even distant relatives to determine the identity of the unknown DNA contributor.

Break Investigative Group’s experienced DNA investigators can work with degraded and small amounts of viable DNA no matter the source.  

Our DNA investigative team can manage the process of coordinating the extraction of DNA, submitting the extraction for whole genome sequencing, and preparing the DNA for analysis via imputation.  Once the process is complete, we upload the DNA sample to the direct-to-consumer DNA databases in accordance with the terms of service and properly identify the data as a law enforcement sample.  Then the investigative genetic genealogy begins.

Law enforcement agencies have direct access to the status of their cases with our state-of-the-art online portal. Our team adheres to strict non-disclosure, confidentiality, and chain of custody protocols.  Let Break Investigative Group help you get a break in the case with IGG!



Violent Crime Suspects

Unknown DNA Contributors

John/Jane Does

Baby Does